


The ushering in of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4.0) has fundamentally altered the way we live, work and relate to one another (World Economic Forum, 2016). To make sense of and function well in this complex world, it is required that individuals master the changing skill sets and mind-sets and balance self, economic growth, and societal integration.
The changes brought in to the society by 4.0 has required us to focus on yoga and life skills as transformative competencies, which reflect what an individual can actually do, not only to adapt to the changing environment but also to transform the environment for positive outcomes for self and society. 
This conference seeks to explore Yoga and Life Skills as the transformative competencies, which enable the individual to take empowered action towards enhancing the quality of their own lives and making meaningful contribution to the lives of others.
Since life skills are cross cutting competencies, the conference aims to provide a platform for deliberations on the major trends prevalent in the different areas ranging from education and environment to civic engagement, employability and health, where life skills are involved as a critical factor in transformation. The conference also aims to discuss future prospects for life skills as transformative competencies. 
The conference seeks to address the following questions:
  • What are the broad frameworks/principles underlying the conceptualization of life skills as transformative competencies in different areas?
  • What are the broad frameworks/ principles underlying yoga as transformative competencies in different areas?
  • What are the strategies for implementation of programmes for life skills education and yoga aimed at transformation?
  • What are the competency assessment frameworks for evaluating these programmes of life skills education?
  • What might be the mediating factors for integration of life skills and yoga as transformative competencies?
  • What support systems (in terms of policy and systemic interventions) are needed for integration of life skills and yoga as transformative competencies?
  • What could be envisaged as the future prospects for integration of life skills and yoga as transformative competencies?
The International Conference of Life Skills Education 2019 (ICLSE 2019) proposes to spark a reflection on the role of yoga and life skills as competencies for individual and social transformation.

Contact Details

Ms. Sunitha Ranjan,
Vice-President, IALSE
Mobile: +91- 9444412022
Dr. Gauri Hardikar,
Secretary, IALSE
Mobile: +91-9820737709
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